Purpose of functional area
Role of Customer acquisition team is to bring in new customers to the company by running sales and marketing campaigns.
Inputs: How it impacts CVM
- Provides a stream of new customers
- May cause undesirable side effects for CVM e.g.:
- Acquires fraudulent/fake customers
- Acquires customers that do not match value proposition (e.g. too low price attracts wrong segment which churns later)
- Cannibalizes existing customer base or existing products (e.g. too low price causes existing customer base to cancel and resubscribe at lower price resulting in revenue decline)
- Overpromises value for the customer which leads to unsatisfied customers and complaints later
- etc.
Impact of collaboration quality on CVM team results
Lack of alignment with Customer Acquisition team has drastic negative impact on core CVM KPIs achievement.
CVM work related to function
- CVM needs to ensure that new customer acquisition offers do not cannibalize existing revenue – cannibalization risk mitigation should be incorporated into acquisition offer design
- CVM runs new customer onboarding process
- CVM runs new customer retention initiatives
- CVM runs new customer up-sell/cross-sell initiatives
Outputs: How CVM impacts this area
- Provides insights about acquisition campaigns results in terms of:
- New customers on-boarding, retention and revenue KPIs
- Impact on existing customer base retention and revenue KPIs
- Provides insights about the quality of acquired customers based on locations, channels, customer demographic, etc.
- Provides insights about the pockets of locations, channels, customer demographic, which outperform the average new customer and suggesting improvements to acquisition campaigns
Key handshakes to consider
Customer Acquisition ↔︎ CVM functions must closely align on:
- Pricing – to ensure balance between acquisition and cannibalization
- Segment targeting – to ensure the acquisition team has targeted and acquired customers from the right segment
- KPIs information sharing
- Capabilities to combine acquisition campaigns information with existing customer base behavior insight
- Marketing campaign investment tracking for future ROI analysis
Previous: Collaboration With Market Research Team