Collaboration with Outbound Channels (Unassisted) Team

Purpose of functional area

Role of Outbound Channels (Unassisted) function as understood here is to manage the channels and proactively reach out to the customer to educate, influence, sell, service to customer via email, sms, app push, web push, social channels and more; plus, to provide transactional notifications to customer via email, sms, app push, web push, social channels etc. The list of Outbound Channels (Unassisted) is ever-evolving.

Outbound Channels (Unassisted) are often managed directly within the CVM team.

Inputs: How it impacts CVM
  • The Outbound channels (Unassisted) are the fourth among the most crucial gatekeepers for CVM success in the organization – some key Moments of Truth happen in Outbound Unassisted Channel when the company reaches out to the customer for a good or bad reason. Therefore if the Outbound Unassisted Channel team does not collaborate well with CVM, a large portion of results is not achievable.
  • Outbound channels (Unassisted) are the way CVM team can initiate interaction with customers at the scale of thousands or millions. The channels may be under-developed with small target audiences available, or may be highly developed with majority of customers reachable. The level of channel development is of crucial impact on CVM as it directly dictates the possible reach. Outbound channels enable broad and cost-efficient outreach, influencing customer perceptions and buying decisions.
  • Outbound Channel (Unassisted) generates a small amount of reach/view/conversion data in the form of click logs that can be an invaluable source to improve CVM targeting.

Impact of collaboration quality on CVM team results

Lack of alignment with Outbound Channel (Unassisted) team results in dramatic under-performance of CVM.

CVM work related to function
  • CVM team produces target groups, offers and supporting communication messages that are sent via the Outbound Channels (Unassisted) directly to the customer.
  • CVM team here is directly driving the amount and quality of these interactions by designing campaigns, target groups, personalized recommendations for every customer based on customer historical data. Over time this decides the trajectory of Outbound Channel (Unassisted) – will it become a valued resource for the customer, or will everything start going directly to the spam folder?
  • This channel directly impacts the commercial results.
  • CVM team ensures that CVM initiatives are implemented properly in the channel in terms of the customer experience, are linked with the appropriate call to action, and the results are trackable.
  • CVM team tracks the performance of the Outbound Channel (Unassisted) in terms of how well they execute various CVM programs as well as the overall channel health.
  • CVM team contributes to or designs many of the requirements for the IT systems that are needed by the Outbound Channel (Unassisted) to ensure that they are aligned with CVM programs and can be used by the CVM team appropriately.

Outputs: How CVM impacts this area
  • CVM team has decisive impact on the performance of the Outbound Channel (Unassisted) by providing the right or wrong target groups and products and offers that contribute to the achievement of CVM KPIs and either degrade or enhance the channel performance over time.
  • CVM team can overload the server capacity of outbound channels (Unassisted) by running too many large campaigns at once.
  • Mistakes made by CVM team (e.g. errors in personalization output) may cause the Outbound channel (Unassisted) to be perceived poorly (e.g. by repeatedly sending a message to the same customers or communicating previously rejected offers).

Key handshakes to consider

Alignment with Outbound Channel (Unassisted) team is crucial for CVM success:

  • Target group, Offer and message information – it is crucial to ensure that Outbound Channel (Unassisted) receives timely and correct target groups with personalized offers/recommendations in a way that manages the repetitive contact with same customers properly (e.g. avoiding repetitive contact more than once every X months).
  • Target audience, offer and message conversion tracking – it is crucial to ensure that Outbound Channel (Unassisted) can register target customers who have been reached, the conversions and provide feedback for CVM process improvements
  • Campaign planning – it is crucial to align Outbound Channel (Unassisted) capacity plans with campaigns schedule to ensure adequate technical capacity is planned and available
  • Data collection – it is crucial to collect Outbound Channel (Assisted) recording data as it is a gold mine of high resolution qualitative insights for CVM.
  • IT – it is crucial to track technical changes happening across the outbound channel footprint and to ensure that channels remain always operational

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